Saturday 31st August 2024. Team Nominations open 1st July. Mungungo versus the World 7 a side cricket Fun Day Fundraiser. 8am and going all day. Raising funds for Life Flight, Ridgehaven Retirement Complex and Local Junior Community Groups. Always a fun day of cricket, catching up with mates having a feed & a drink while enjoying the nice fresh country air. Shaded area to sit down or bring your own chair, picnic rug, gazebo to set up. There is plenty of room for children to run around – bring the whole family!! Market Stalls. Canteen – run by Monto Junior Cricket. Bars – one between the fields & one near canteen (No BYO). Continuous raffle happening through out the day – you will need to be there to collect your prize in the continuous raffle. Major Raffle – don’t need to be there to collect prize. This will be a cash only event. Limited Telstra mobile phone service. NO BYO Alcohol! Team nominations open on July 1st. Payment & forms must be submitted at same time to secure your spot.