Record results for tourism in the Capricorn region, during the last year, have shown it continues to be a favourite holiday destination.
More than 1,240,000 domestic visitors visited the region in the year ending March 2023, according to Official Tourism Research Australia (TRA).
The data shows domestic travellers stayed for 4,429,000 visitor nights and spent 915 Million dollars in that period.
All three precincts in the region showed continued growth; the Capricorn islands, Rockhampton region, and the Central Queensland Highlands.
Capricorn Enterprise CEO Mary Carroll says tourism is an important contributor to our regional economy.
“Whether they are staying for a holiday or business or visiting friends and relatives, our beautiful region straddling the Tropic of Capricorn has certainly revealed fantastic results.
“The Capricorn Coast has seen visitor numbers grow more than 35 percent and expenditure grow an incredible 175 percent since 2019.
“We have set ambitious forward Overnight Visitor Expenditure growth rates across the SGBR to reach our aspirational 2032 targets.
“These figures give us great confidence that we are on track as a unified region, focused on growing industry, inspiring visitors and delivering social, environmental and economic benefits for community.”
A record 1.66 billion dollars was spent by more than 2.3 million visitors in the Southern Great Barrier Reef (SGBR) region in the year ending March 2023, an increase of 31.9 percent on the year 2022 expenditure and a 38.7 percent growth on 2019.